2008년 12월 20일 토요일


Name : BI

Hot male singer, Bi!
He's a competent actor and also a singer!
His performance is just amazing!
And his personality? Perfect!
He spent a harsh adolescence but
he overcame it by persuing his dream
and lived out his dream in Korea and
over the world!

He'll be a famous actor and a singer in the world,
I prophesy it!

His best songs are

1) 나쁜남자(Bad boy)
2) 태양을 피하는 방법(How to avoid the Sun)
3) It's raining
4) Rainism

Enjoy it!


Name : BOA

She's so hot in Korea and Japan and,
she'll be in America soon!

For the first debut in Korea,
she was not so successful in comparison
to her effort and preparations to be a singer.

She was trained to be the best singer of Asia.
BoA is her name but it also means Best of Asia.

So she was made to target Japan and other
countries of Asia. But the time she had debut in Japan had some emotional gap between Japan and Korea-bad feelings to each other. So to be a star in Japan as a Korean was a really harsh task. But she made it! She got the title! How incredible!

And she became hot in Korea, too, after her success in Japan.

And she's targetting America for the next stage!
Let's cheer her up!! Fighting, BoA!!

Her representative songs are so many ... but I recommend you

1) Eat you up
2) Valenti
4) Girls on Top
5) Moto

Enjoy it!


-picture is the actress who played the role of SEO JANG GEUM, and the actress name is YI YEONG AE-
She was the best cook in JoSeon with her horrible concentration and will in which predominance of men over women was existed. Also, she was the best doctor in Joseon so she took a job as the physicianin charge. She was the only woman doctor. She was given the recognition from JungJong King with the calling name of Dae Jang Geum.(大長今, 大 means the big) Of course she got natural gifts but she went through so many dilemmas in her life. The success she got in hands is the compensation for her iron will.


Name : SEON IM

She's a singer in Japan and Korea.
She is mixed blood between Japanese and Korean.
She was born in Japan and grown up there
but her love toward Korea is incredible.
She wants to be approved as a Korean.
Yes, I think she's a real Korean.
I love her so much! Love ya, Seon Im!

* Her Japanese name is Sonin,
and its origin is 'Seon Im'. Sonin is the pronunciation of Seon Im.

Her representative songs are

1) 후애(後愛, After Love)
2) ほんとはね...(To be honest...)

Enjoy it!


Name : YI HYO RI

She is the hottest singer in Korea.
Also, she is a member of PINKL, a cute girl group.

Her representative songs are

1) 10 minutes

2) U-Go-Girl

Enjoy it!


Name : YI YUK SA

He was a poet to resist toward Japan during the dark age ruled by Japan. He poured his all passion toward the independece via his poems. Let me introduce the best poet among his I think.

(Original Ver.)


매운 계절의 채찍에 갈겨
마침내 북방으로 휩쓸려 오다.

하늘도 그만 지쳐 끝난 고원
서릿발 칼날진 그 위에 서다.

어데다 무릎을 꿇어야 하나
한 발 재겨 디딜 곳조차 없다.

이러매 눈 감아 생각해 볼밖에
겨울은 강철로 된 무지갠가 보다.

(Translation Ver.)


Striked by a whipcord of a spicy season,
finally swept away toward the north site

A plateau ended with the sky which is tired along,
I get on my feet on it where frost columns are sharp

'Where can I drop my knee?'
No space is existing even just one step

As it is, I should close my eyes to think up again,
'Winter is like a rainbow with iron.'


Name : YUN DONG JU(1917/12/30-1945/2/16)

He was a poet to resist toward Japan during the dark age ruled by Japan. He poured his all passion toward the independece via his poems. Let me introduce the best poet among his I think.

(Original Ver.)


파아란 녹이 낀 구리거울 속에
내 얼굴이 남아 있는 것은
어느 왕조의 유물이기에
이다지도 욕될까

나는 나의 참회의 글을 한줄에 줄이자
--만 24년 1개월을
무슨 기쁨을 바라 살아왔던가

내일이나 모레나 그 어느 즐거운 날에
나는 또 한줄의 참회록을 써야 한다.
--그때 그 젊은 나이에
왜 그런 부끄러운 고백을 했던가

밤이면 밤마다 나의 거울을
손바닥으로 발바닥으로 닦아 보자.
그러면 어느 운석(隕石) 밑으로 홀로 걸어가는
슬픈 사람의 뒷모양이거울 속에 나타나온다.

(Translation Ver.)


In the copper mirror with some blue rust,
my face as a left thing,
how could it be such a shame
as a relic of which dynasty?

I contract my contrition into one my line
--about 24 years and one month,
what have I wished for,
what happiness?

Tomorrow or the day after tomorrow, anyway, a happy someday,
I should add up a line more
--then, the age of very young days,
why did I confess such a disgraceful confession?

Every night every night,
let's rub it up with my palm and sole of foot

And the back-shadow
of a sad man is up,
who is going through the bottom of a stone